porta l one
"The Warrior of Love knows how to control and direct his own Energy and flow it back into the world - as Love"
"We stand at the beginning of the age of compassion"
Dr. James R. Doty / Neuroscientist Stanford and former chairman of the Dalai Lama foundation
2024 Nicolas Notini Wallin and Torbjörn Hellmouth
"The Warrior of Love knows how to control and direct his own Energy and flow it back into the world - as Love"
"The Warrior of Love masters the skill of flowing his Energy straight into the hearts of the ones he loves"
"The Warrior of Love rises to every challenge"
We humans are interdependent
All of us, everywhere
As individuals and as organizations in society
"Love (compassion) recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope." - Maya Angelou Poet, writer, civil rights activist