Warriors of Love


in community               

"We stand at the beginning of the age of compassion"

Dr. James R. DotyNeuroscientist Stanford and former chairman of the Dalai Lama foundation


One definition:
  • Loving kindness in the presence of difficulty + the desire to do something to relieve that difficulty
  • Empathy + helpful action = compassion


  • 2,500 years of Buddhist practices and modern compassion research suggests, yes 

What does it do?

  • Compassion can change way we look at the world - and how the world looks at us
  • It makes us shift our perspective from "me" to "we"
  • Compassion makes less of "them" and more of "us"


  • We humans are all interdependent in this world
  • We need to create the new global framework for relationships
  • Compassion is the way to do that - and that´s why we need it
2024 Nicolas Notini Wallin and Torbjörn Hellmouth 

The WOLI 100 days compassion training

portal one

In the first Portal we go deep into cultivating self-compassion and intentional manifestation of the life you want to create

Introduction to the "WOLI 100 days Compassion Training" program

"The Warrior of Love knows how to control and direct his own Energy and flow it back into the world - as Love"

The practices for self-love and self-compassion - the true personal superpower

portal two

Portal Two is about the relationships to others, the tools for relationship dynamics and energetic connection

We introduce the "WOLI Minute of Compassion" - how to cultivate compassion in every relationship in under one minute

Compassion is the true superpower for all relationships in life

"The Warrior of Love masters the skill of flowing his Energy straight into the hearts of the ones he loves"

portal three

The third portal is about compassion as a leadership superpower

"The Warrior of Love rises to every challenge" 

Compassion is key for creating value, purpose and true sustainability 

In personal life as well as in business  

The "WOLI 100 days Compassion Training" also offers the WOLI Ambassador Certificate 

a world of compassion

We humans are interdependent

All of us, everywhere

Compassion is how we create loving relationships

As individuals and as organizations in society 

The age of compassion is here and cultivating it in the world is the most important project for all of humankind

Founders of WOLI

Nicolas Notini Wallin

Torbjörn Hellmouth

"Love (compassion) recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope." - Maya Angelou  Poet, writer, civil rights activist